Bring the parsnips to your protest planning vegan potlucks, pass them around to your pacifist pals, share them on the street and tell everyone you meet: “Parsnips Not Pipelines!”
These parsnips are slender, smooth and long with good disease resistance.
Planting Instructions:
Parsnips need a long growing season, so sow as soon as the soil is workable: 1/2 inch deep and 1 inch apart in rows 6 inches apart. Be patient, parsnips can take more than two weeks to germinate. Thin to 3-6 inches. Guarantee good germination by using a fresh pack of seeds (parsnip seed viability drops dramatically after 1 year). Taste is sweeter if left int he ground until after a few hard frosts. Overwinter in the ground.
Traditional name: Lancer